The basic services of the Laboratory for geomehanics and foundation engineering:
- Field and laboratory testing of quality and installation of soil and unbound materials,
- Field testing of soil by borehole drilling and static penetrations for the purposes of foundation engineering of facilities,
- Field tests with dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) of unbound pavement layers,
- Sampling of disturbed and undisturbed soil samples and testing in the laboratory,
- Testing of soil samples and unbound materials in the laboratory,
- Investigation works (trial pits and boreholes) and laboratory testing for the purpose of determining the structure and quality of materials in the layers of the pavement structure,
- Survey of geotechnical profiles and pavement structure by non-destructive method using Georadar,
- Testing of piles in the soil – testing of the integrity of piles with ultrasonic testing equipment (ultrasonic method with sound – hammer or ultrasonic method for testing the integrity of probes in pipes),
- Testing of piles in the soil – test load of piles with a 10,000 kN load and measurement of deformations until fracture.